Honors Program

Academic Excellence that Makes a Difference

RWU的荣誉课程为热爱学习的学生提供了一个独特的学术和社交社区. As an Honors student, you can:

  • Develop knowledge that makes a difference. 
  • Work alongside your community to create change. 
  • Travel abroad to learn global perspective.
  • 建立终身的友谊和职业关系. 
  • Be a leader.

如果你想分享你对学习的热情,并从你的教育中获得更多, 我们邀请您浏览所提供的信息并申请.

image of Dr. William Palm


Dr. William Palm
Director of the Honors Program

Robert Dermody

Prof. Robert Dermody
Associate Director
of the Honors Program


image of RWU Honors Program students studying together

荣誉课程提供为期四年的经验,为您的教育提供参与和反思学习的基础. Through the Honors seminars (HONR-designated courses), you will enjoy smaller class sizes, enthusiastic faculty, an interdisciplinary environment, and innovative course design.

你的学术课程从荣誉100开始:荣誉基础, 并在你的荣誉顶点项目的书面和口头报告中达到高潮. Between these milestones are group projects, field trips, 以及结构化的反思,让你融入这个世界,让你以道德的方式解决紧迫的问题. Although the content of Honors classes varies, 每一个都提供了机会来磨练你的学术激情和技能,并在世界上有所作为. 

你的教授是专门的荣誉教师,他们将挑战和支持你的学习. Our faculty have expertise in their respective fields, but are also avid practitioners of the art of teaching.

Through our experiential curriculum, 你可以联系罗德岛的社区组织, present original research at national conferences, and study and volunteer in locations such as Jamaica, Brazil, Europe, and beyond.

  • Our Curriculum: 18学分的荣誉课程或预批准的学术经历
  • Community Engagement Requirement:在学术课堂上提供的服务体验,学生可以在社区主导的活动中有道德地参与. Carries at least one academic credit. 
  • Senior Capstone Experience: Faculty-mentored project (thesis, original research, 工作室/设计项目),最终产生有影响力的知识.

The Honors Experience

Learning Beyond the Classroom

通过参观当地的景点,比如纽波特州的“拯救海湾”(Save the Bay),让你的学习变得生动起来.I., and Walden Pond in Concord, Mass.

Being part of the world, locally and globally

荣誉学生与lorsamyn Spears等社区领袖接触, Executive Director of the Tomaquag Indigenous Museum. 她在题为“透过我的眼睛:土著教育”的演讲中分享了她的经历, Leadership, and Empowerment."

As a first-year honors student, you will live and learn alongside your peers, 在荣誉生活学习社区(LLC)在石墙IV宿舍楼. Students in the LLC participate in a summer project, a pre-orientation retreat, 在大学的第一年里建立社区.

 After your first year, 你将继续获得石墙IV提供的所有资源, including:

  • 荣誉中心-一个公共空间,作为一个公共房间,借阅图书馆和电影观看休息室
  • 荣誉教室,在那里你将和其他荣誉学生一起上三节课
  • Close collaboration with Honors faculty
  • 获得荣誉项目主任和项目助理的学术支持和建议

Honors students are guaranteed a $2,000美元的资助(作为信用申请到你的账单)一个学期,以支持研究, study abroad, a community engagement project, 或者在大三或大四进行实习.


Students who achieve an overall 3.在学年结束时,GPA达到或超过6分的学生将获得学术优秀奖, providing an additional $1,000 towards their next year’s tuition.


image of RWU Honors students leading a discussion我们的课程为那些寻求增强课堂和课外体验的合格学生提供了一个独特的学术和社交社区.

image of RWU Honors Student Sarah Agnalt

无论是帮助开发自动驾驶汽车,还是创建复杂的软件程序来改善沟通, 荣誉校友萨拉·阿格纳尔特' 18帮助使士兵在战场上每天做他们的工作.

  • Community Engagement Requirement:在学术课堂上提供的服务体验,学生可以在社区主导的活动中有道德地参与. Carries at least one academic credit. 
  • Senior Capstone Experience: Faculty-mentored project (thesis, original research, 工作室/设计项目),最终产生有影响力的知识.

Since its first class graduated with Honors in 1997, 大学荣誉计划表彰了许多杰出的研究生成就. Reflecting the program’s three hallmarks – scholarship, service, 领导型校友已经开始了各种各样的研究, study, and career paths. 在众多的职业和研究生院的安置如下:

  • Fulbright scholar (the University’s first)
  • Art museum events coordinators
  • Assistant county attorneys
  • Cancer researcher
  • College admissions counselors
  • Elementary and secondary education school teachers
  • Engineering firm scientists
  • Environmental scientists
  • EPA program analysts
  • Fishery biologists
  • MBA’s in banking and finance
  • Mechanical engineers
  • Park naturalists
  • Peace Corps volunteers
  • Physicians
  • Police officers
  • U.S. Secret Service specialists
  • Veterinary medicine professionals

Prospective Students

image of tables full of collaboration at Honors retreat

Ready to find your place in the Honors community? We're here to help. 

Resources for Current Honors Students


Copies of Catalog language by year [PDFs]
Academic Standards Policy
Capstone Deadlines
Capstone Rubrics and/or Synopses
Suggested Capstone Experiences by Program
Capstone Reflection Guidelines


Core Contract form [PDF]
Core Contract guidelines [PDF]
Community Engagement Petition [PDF]
Community Engagement Guidelines [PDF]
Capstone Declaration form [PDF]
Honors Ambassador Application [PDF]

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